Saturday, February 20, 2010
Girls Nightt!
Tonight my mom and I had a "Girls Night" We sat in my mom's scrapbook room and scrapped all night. My mom finished one of her design team layouts and then started working on a card, and shortly after starting it she ditched because she was "sleepy"
I had an amazing time tonight with my mom. I love spending time with her, we always find such interesting things to talk about. Tonight especially!!:)
This is the layout that I did tonight!:) This picture was taken this summer! :)
My Birthday!!
As of February 18th I have been an adult! All of my life I would count down the years until I was a certain age. 12 for finally being a teenager, 16 so that I could drive, 18 so that I would be considered and adult, 19 and I'm legal age, and so on. But now that I have reach the age that I have count down to I'm not so excited that I'm there. Sure I am an adult now but really is that actually going to mean something. Yes I can now buy lottery tickets, and I can validate my lates at school, I'm able to rent a camp site and I'm able to view inappropriate websites (not that I ever would!) but it doesn't feel any different to be 18 years old. When I turned 12 and 16 it was like I was so much older. But why when you turn 18 does it not feel any different.
I look back on pictures and see how small and cute I was(I have to admit when I was really young I looked like a rat) and I wish I could go back in time and relive some of the things I got to experience and maybe change some of the things I did wrong, and the way I treated certain people. My parents always tell me how they are proud of me and they can see that I'm changing into a very nice young adult but I don't really want to grow up. In school I'm picking courses for my semester that I'm coming back to finish and everyone is talking about applying to certain programs and they have known what they have wanted to do for their whole life... but I have no clue at all what I want to do with the rest of my life.
I just think that life just goes by way to quickly and I really regret rushing certain things that I have done throughout my life. I wish you could just pause life and flash back in time and relive certain events that you really enjoyed. For example; anytime that I spent time with my one Great Aunt Edith(who passed away) elementary school, high school, camping with my family when I was little, anytime spent on our boat, and the list could go on and on.
Anyways, it sounds like I'm giving a speech right before something bad is going to happen to me. Moving on... These pictures that are in between the text are through my lifetime somewhat. I raided my mom's old photo albums and tried to find some half decent pictures that my parents wouldn't kill me if I showed other people. My mom said no to many of them(and I totally understood cause they were so funny) and my dad doesn't really care so I put them up anyways.
My birthday this year was amazing! Jake and I didn't go out for dinner on Valentines Day because our ninth month was on the 17 and my birthday on the 18 so we decided that we would do one dinner for all of them. On my birthday Jake took me to my favorite restaurant of all Red Lobster. We went to dinner somewhat early because we wanted to have some time to hang out after because Jake wanted to give me my gift.
Jake came to pick me up at 5 and as I was giving Jake directions to get to Red Lobster he asked me to go into the center compartment in his car to get out his Ipod so I could plug it in and we could listen to music. So I finished giving him the direction and I opened the middle compartment and there it was... my gift! I just about crapped my pants because I didn't think it was going to be in there. So as I was looking there was no Ipod in the first place. Jake told me to open the card and so I did(and it was really cute) and then there was a tiny little box sitting there just waiting to be opened.
It was wrapped in silver wrapping paper with a little red bow on the top. Jake told me to open it as I was taking off the wrapping paper I was thinking to myself; I didn't give him any ideas, and what the heck could this be? As the wrapping paper came off there it was starting me right in the eyes! The word Raffi! I screamed JAKEE! and I didn't even know what it was yet. I was thinking hmmm, maybe it's new earings, or a new necklace. I had NO IDEA!! I finally get the guts to open up the box and inside was a ring(there will be a picture soon!) By this time we were almost at Red Lobster. Jake glanced over at me and said "do you know what this is" and I thought to myself "uh, ya i know what it is?" and then Jake said that it was a promise ring!! I all of a sudden got really shaky and had about 1000 butterflies flying around in my stomach.
As we were pulling up to Red Lobster Jake asked me what driveway it was because there were about three in a row. I answered the second one because I was positive I was correct! Well I was wrong. We went into the gym parking lot and we didn't really know how to get out. It took way longer than it should have to actually arrive to the restaurant. Finally when we parked I put the ring on! It's beautiful and I love it to death! My 18th birthday is the most memorable that's for sure!! There will be pictures of the ring soon!!:)

Valentines Day!
Sorry my posts have been so late I just have been very busy with homework and stuff. Well on Valentines day Jake had to ref pretty much the whole day so I hung around my house with my mom and scrapbooked. My mom and I talked about how we didn't understand the point of Valentines day because you should be able to show your love for someone any day of the week and as you get older you may not even see your husband/wife on Valentines day. So we thought it was a dumb holiday. As we were scrapbooking my mom and I made this card together for me to give to Jake later that night(I was very last minute)
My mom had made a box for my brother Jason's girlfriend(if that's even the right word) and put candies inside so I thought heck lets make one for Jake so this is the box that I made.
and inside were one of Jake's favorite candies(I personally think they are disgusting-but whatever makes him happy!) Inside of Jake's card I made coupons that said that I would pay for dinner and a movie(because he NEVER lets me pay)
Okay now enough about what Jake got from me! My Valentines day was awesome!!! My mom, Jason and I had to run to the mall to pick up a few things to add to the gifts and as we were pulling into our driveway there was a van that parked on an angle and my mom and I kind of looked at each other funny. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw an older lady standing at our front door holding a huge thing of flowers and my youngest brother was taking them at the door. As soon as we parked I ran inside and saw that they were from Jake. Inside the packaging there were a dozen roses and some lilies. I should have taken a picture as soon as I got them but I was in shock that he actually sent me them and now its to late because they are starting to droop! After I received my flowers I no longer thought that Valentines Day was stupid!
Little Red Wagon #16
Okay well I was going to try to do the challenge last week but I didn't get a chance too so I thought I would give this one a a try. This week at the Little Red Wagon Deanna challenged everyone to use ribbon and here is what I came up with
This was the card that I gave Jake on Valentines day(there will be a post on Valentines day soon) For the little people on my card, my mom and I actually paper pieced their outfits by stamping the image onto the pattern paper and then cutting it out. My mom also helped me a bunch with making the guy tall enough to hold her hand(thanks mom)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Semi Formal!
Last night I had my Semi-formal at St. George Hall. Before this Semi I had only ever gone to my grade nine one because in grade 10 I went to California with my mom and in grade 11 I ended up getting grounded(and I deserved it) but anyways. This year I was in a leadership class at my school and i was really hoping that the first semester class got the chance to run semi because the second semester class would get to run our prom. Well me and four other girls ran semi this year.
Our theme was Las Vegas and at first I was thinking okay... so this is going to suck like what kind of decorations could you get for Las Vegas that would be appropriate for a school function because everything in Vegas that I have ever known was about drinking and hardly any clothes. Well we saw the hall and it is beautiful! It was huge and we thought we were going to have trouble filling the space. I was thinking in the small town of Elmira there would maybe be a little bit over 100 kids there... well I guess completely wrong! We had over 300 kids attend the dance.
I spent all day yesterday at the hall with the other girls hanging up decorations and setting up tables. I never really realized how difficult it was to run an event that you knew everyone would remember. This dance was something that so many people remember and look forward too and I was one of the people they blame if something didn't go right or if the dance "sucked"
So all five of us were very nervous the whole week before and until we got there last night.
I wore the dress that I was going to wear last year. Since I didn't get a new dress this year I went to go and get my hair done. I thought since it was my last year I would do something special and I thought it turned out really well. For Christmas my brothers gave me a gift certificate to go and get my nails done so I also used that towards my "semi look"
Since I am creating a book for Jake and now I have started my own 12x12 album I wanted a bunch of pictures that I could scrapbook and I told my mom that she would be in charge. So my mom and I set out into the garage to find one of my dads shop lights(that blind you when you get your pictures taken by the way) and a white sheet and we put it over our TV unit and away we went.
Jake came over about an hour before we had to leave because I didn't know how long it would take for us to get all the picture taken. Well when we were about to leave I got really bad butterflies and started to get really nervous....
When we got there everyone was standing in the lobby because they were waiting for all their friends to get there. So Jake and I did the same because no one from grade twelve was there yet... So Jake and I were watching people come in(and I could have done that all night) Some of the dresses that the girls came in were like covering hardly any part of their body and come of them were just plain ugly!
Once more people that we hung out with got there we went in an danced for the rest of the night.
Since I was one of the people who ran Semi-formal I had the pleasure to clean up the hall when everyone left!!(just what I wanted to do after I danced for 3 hours) Jake drove that night so he had the pleasure of helping as well.
Overall Semi-formal went over really well! I had a blast running it and attending it!:)
I told my mom that I wanted to post the pictures on my blog before she did but she didn't listen so here they all are...(thanks mom!)
I will be the first to scrapbook them since I didn't get to post them first!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Starting my own album!
Well tonight at dinner I was talking to my mom about how I was thinking about starting my own 12x12 album that one day I could look back on. Well I did my first page to add to this book. I used We R Memory Keepers Nonsense paper line. While I have been doing Jake's book I have found many cute layouts that I couldn't fit onto an 8x8 page so now I can make them for my book!
This picture was taken this past summer with my friend Caelen!
Little Red Wagon Chipboard Challenge!
I had a bunch of fun last week when I tried out my first Little Red Wagon challenge. This week I thought that I would give it another try. I used Crate paper, chipboard letters and used glimmer mist to colour the chipboard
How do you use it challenge?
Deanna posted a challenge on the Two Scrapbook Friends forum. She challenged us to use glitter and here is what I came up with. My mom did a post on her blog a while ago about how to make bling swirls using stickles. So I created this layout for Jake's book.
This picture was taken this past summer on a railroad track in St. Jacobs.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I have the most boring life in the world!
Well I have NOTHING to blog about! Tonight I worked a few hours while Joanne was teaching a class and when I came home I was going to sit down and work on Jake's book for a little while because I was the only one home and because I would have nothing else to do. So I came home ate something and then sat down at the kitchen table with all my stuff to start a layout! Well do you think any idea would come to me? Nope, nothing at all! I looked through books and blogs and everything so I was looking through stuff until about 10:30! Then my mom and dad came home from the Rangers game and decided to put everything away because it was going nowhere! Well now i'm thinking about going to read some more of the book that I am reading. It's called Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult
I read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult and really liked the way that she wrote so I thought that I should try maybe another book by her! I usually dislike reading a lot but I am really liking this book!:) Give it a try if you enjoy reading!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Grad Photos!
Snowboarding Adventure!
On Sunday I took Jake snowboarding for the first time. Let me tell you it was kind of scary at first. I was really nervous to take him on the lift because I didn't want him to knock me over, and I was nervous that we might start fighting while I was trying to teach him if he didn't understand it. But it went much smoother than I thought it was going too! The first time down the hill was a little rough for the both of us. I stood at the top of the hill trying to explain something that made total sense to me but Jake just look at me and pretended to know what I was talking about...
He got very upset the first few times down and kept on saying that he just wanted to stop and give up. But I wasn't going to let that happen because we paid a bunch of money to be there and we had only gone down the hill two times. Jake did really well on Sunday when we went. We ended up leaving early because it was so busy and we were both getting really cold!
On Tuesday Jake and I went back to Chicopee for the day when only high school kids were there because we were off for exams. We bought a ticket that would allow us to go on all the hills that they had. In the morning Jake and I spent our time on the beginner hills because Jake didn't feel comfortable to try anything bigger(I totally understood)
Jake and I spent most of our time on the back two beginner hills(Rabbit Foot and Bear Foot) the only thing that I really disliked about these hills were they didn't have a lift that you would sit in to get up the hill. It was just a conveyor belt that you stood on while it pulled you up the hill. Personally it killed my legs!
Jake told me to make a pose because just smiling was boring so I tried my best. We started to get a little chilly around 4 o'clock so we decided that we would go in to eat dinner. Once we came out from dinner we did a run down Tender Foot (another beginner hill) and then I thought since one of the easier adult hills looked really empty I would try to see if Jake would go up. Jake said sure and we went down North. I had an accident going down North about a year ago when someone cut me off and I ended up really hurting my leg so I will a little nervous to go down that hill for the first time since then. But I held in my fear and showed everyone my skill(not that I have much) Jake went down slowly after me and didn't fall once the whole way down the hill. The smile on his face when he got to the bottom was ear to ear and I could tell that he really enjoyed it.
When he got to the bottom I was telling Jake about one of the back hills called Front(to me that doesn't make sense that it's called front because it's on the back of the hill but whatever) but the only thing was we would have to go on the Sugarbowl lift(the biggest hill they have and personally it scares the crap out of me) and that lift went really fast so it was up to him. He said sure. Once we got onto the lift I started to freak out because I forgot how high up it actually was. I tried to hold in the fact that I was scared because I didn't want to freak Jake out but that didn't work out to well.
Overall Jake and I had an amazing time snowboarding! I'm sure we will go many more times, and there will be many more posts about it:)

Monday, February 1, 2010
More Layouts!
Last night while I was waiting for my mom to come home from California, I sat at the kitchen table and created two more layouts for Jake's book.

I tried stitching on a layout for the first time and used way to much thread! The first picture was taken this past summer while I was away at Jake's family cottage for a week, and the second picture was taken when Jake came to a cottage we rented this summer!
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