Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 3(at night)
Day 3!(during the day)
Most of the people we came into the museum with split up from us and our deal was that we would meet them at about two and then we would go to another museum. But about half of us were ready to just fall asleep or sit for the last two hours. But instead a bunch of us agreed to go and watched a 3D imax movie. I never was a fan for imax movies but I was willing to go and sit through one so that I didn't have to do anymore walking. The movie we went to go and see was called Wild Ocean 3D. We all thought that it was going to be about all different wildlife in the ocean but no it was about sardenes the whole time!! All of us at one point ended up falling alseep through the 45 minute movie. I was kind of bummed by the end because I paided $8.75 to have a nap.
I will hve another post on what happened on day 3 at night!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day One!
The first day we stopped at a coal mine is Lackawana, PA. We were running behind because we got held up at the border. We ended up getting to the coal mine at about 3:30 and when we got there I thought that the tour was going to be a movie or some old man talking to us about what it was like to be in a mine, but I was very wrong! When we got there half of us got into a yellow cart that was caged in and was attached to a large cable at the front. I was in the first group of people that went down into the mine, and I sat at the back of the cart so I was able to take pictures. As the cart was moving down the track and man was telling us what to do if something bad happened and i was okay with the idea of going down into a mine until I was hearing the what if's. I tried to take pictures on the way down but it was way to dark and you couldn't see anything.
As I said before pictures were really hard to take down in the mine because the was limited light down in the mine. After we left the coal mine we still had a long time to drive until we got to our first hotel. We stopped for dinner on the way, and me and a group of friends went to a place called Perkin's. It was a little diner and was probably the best meal I had on the entire trip.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
3 Dayss!:)

As of Saturday I am leaving for Washington DC with my science class. I am getting really excited for this trip as the days get closer! The ride is about 12 hours long and we get to take a coach bus! I have never been on one before so I am kind of excited to go on one for the first time! While we are in Washington we are going to a coal mine on the way down, the holocaust museum, the monuments at night, we are going to some cemetery where famous people are, and one night we are going to watch a play. I am bringing my laptop and I hope I will be able to post some of the stuff that I do down there. I will take a bunch of pictures!:) I AM GOING TO PROVE YOU WRONG MOM!:)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Jake's birthday was coming up the next weekend on April 5th and I wanted to do something special, something that he wouldn't think I would ever do, something he would remember for a long time. Sure he would love if I took him to some fancy dinner and then maybe went to a movie after but I wanted it to different from every other birthday he might have had. So one night I was sitting in bed and he texted me and said that the surprise dinner thing was really cool but I wouldn't want one for myself.
Well then an idea jumped into my head! I was going to have a surprise dinner for Jake with his family and closest friends at his favourite restaurant. Now Jake loves food and almost all the places we have gone to eat out he always says I love this place so for me to pick his favourite place to eat was going to be hard without help. So I somehow had to get it out of Jake without him assuming anything. So that night I called him and told him I needed to know his top three restaurants because my mom and I were arguing about what they were. His reply was Turtle Jacks(number 1), Mongolian(number 2) and then East Sides (number 3).
After some research it came down to that we had to go to East Sides because I had to big of a group and they wouldn't be able to get us all together. So after I had set a date I went onto facebook and sent out the invites to everyone(let me tell you trying to see if everyone can come is stressful) Once the date got closer i sent out a reminder message to make sure everyone remember.
On Friday Jake drove to my house and I let him know I had to drive because we have never been there before and it was on the other side of Kitchener(and we have been toe east sides a billion times). Jake kept pushing to get going because he was hungry and I was trying to delay everything because people were texting me from the restaurant saying don't come yet. So finally I just decided we would leave but I would just drive around and pretend that we actually were on the way.
I drove all the way down by uptown Waterloo, the rec, rim, the mall, I pretty much drove all over Waterloo. Then Jake started to clue into the fact that we weren't really on our way there. He kept saying your taking me home and making me dinner there aren't you! but I just shut my mouth and kept driving. Finally I got the OK to come and we were on our way! When we pulled into the parking lot he kept saying AMANDA I TOLD YOU WE WERE GOING HERE... and I just smiled! When we got into the restaurant he found out I made a reservation and I never do. The lady took us to the table and when we walked in everyone yelled surprise!
Jake didn't look to impressed at first but I know he liked it. He wasn't to impressed when they came in to sing to him but whatever:) Overall I learned that it's a lot harder to plan something than I thought! But I had fun doing it:)
Happy birthday Jaker:)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
uh... I have no life at all!