For dinner that night we went to a little town called Alexandria, it was like a little St. Jacobs. It had little shops, and cute little restaurants that you could go to. Some friends and I decided to go to a little Italian place, and the food was amazing!

Once we were finished eating, the teachers gave us time to go and walk around and shop a little or we could go down by the water. So Jake and I went down to the water. It was beautiful outside! The weather was perfect that day, and it wasn't super busy down by the water either.

There was a cute little place to eat right by the water that had seafood and stuff like that. I would have loved to go there to eat but we assumed that it would have been fairly pricey.

We came across a little dock that we walked out onto and got a few photos that I thought turned out really well.

When we walked back up to the main street there was a man that was playing music on wine glasses filled with distilled water. It was really neat!

After I watched the man for a little while me and some girls went up to the one shop that had washington stuff. I ended up getting a really neat purple sweater.

After everyone was finished shopping and eating dinner we went to go and see the Lincoln Memorial. It was insane there! There were schools from all over the place.

* this was a really neat picture I thought because the sun was setting

*This is a picture of some of the girls that I hung out with down in Washington.

This was inside the Lincoln Memorial. there were so many people in there it was so hard to get good pictures.

We went to some other Memorials that night but my camera was being stuipid and wasn't turning out right while I was taking pictures so I just gave up because their wern't turning out right.
Awesome photos Amanda! It looks like such a great time!