As of February 18th I have been an adult! All of my life I would count down the years until I was a certain age. 12 for finally being a teenager, 16 so that I could drive, 18 so that I would be considered and adult, 19 and I'm legal age, and so on. But now that I have reach the age that I have count down to I'm not so excited that I'm there. Sure I am an adult now but really is that actually going to mean something. Yes I can now buy lottery tickets, and I can validate my lates at school, I'm able to rent a camp site and I'm able to view inappropriate websites (not that I ever would!) but it doesn't feel any different to be 18 years old. When I turned 12 and 16 it was like I was so much older. But why when you turn 18 does it not feel any different.

I look back on pictures and see how small and cute I was(I have to admit when I was really young I looked like a rat) and I wish I could go back in time and relive some of the things I got to experience and maybe change some of the things I did wrong, and the way I treated certain people. My parents always tell me how they are proud of me and they can see that I'm changing into a very nice young adult but I don't really want to grow up. In school I'm picking courses for my semester that I'm coming back to finish and everyone is talking about applying to certain programs and they have known what they have wanted to do for their whole life... but I have no clue at all what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I just think that life just goes by way to quickly and I really regret rushing certain things that I have done throughout my life. I wish you could just pause life and flash back in time and relive certain events that you really enjoyed. For example; anytime that I spent time with my one Great Aunt Edith(who passed away) elementary school, high school, camping with my family when I was little, anytime spent on our boat, and the list could go on and on.

Anyways, it sounds like I'm giving a speech right before something bad is going to happen to me. Moving on... These pictures that are in between the text are through my lifetime somewhat. I raided my mom's old photo albums and tried to find some half decent pictures that my parents wouldn't kill me if I showed other people. My mom said no to many of them(and I totally understood cause they were so funny) and my dad doesn't really care so I put them up anyways.

My birthday this year was amazing! Jake and I didn't go out for dinner on Valentines Day because our ninth month was on the 17 and my birthday on the 18 so we decided that we would do one dinner for all of them. On my birthday Jake took me to my favorite restaurant of all Red Lobster. We went to dinner somewhat early because we wanted to have some time to hang out after because Jake wanted to give me my gift.

Jake came to pick me up at 5 and as I was giving Jake directions to get to Red Lobster he asked me to go into the center compartment in his car to get out his Ipod so I could plug it in and we could listen to music. So I finished giving him the direction and I opened the middle compartment and there it was... my gift! I just about crapped my pants because I didn't think it was going to be in there. So as I was looking there was no Ipod in the first place. Jake told me to open the card and so I did(and it was really cute) and then there was a tiny little box sitting there just waiting to be opened.

It was wrapped in silver wrapping paper with a little red bow on the top. Jake told me to open it as I was taking off the wrapping paper I was thinking to myself; I didn't give him any ideas, and what the heck could this be? As the wrapping paper came off there it was starting me right in the eyes! The word Raffi! I screamed JAKEE! and I didn't even know what it was yet. I was thinking hmmm, maybe it's new earings, or a new necklace. I had NO IDEA!! I finally get the guts to open up the box and inside was a ring(there will be a picture soon!) By this time we were almost at Red Lobster. Jake glanced over at me and said "do you know what this is" and I thought to myself "uh, ya i know what it is?" and then Jake said that it was a promise ring!! I all of a sudden got really shaky and had about 1000 butterflies flying around in my stomach.

As we were pulling up to Red Lobster Jake asked me what driveway it was because there were about three in a row. I answered the second one because I was positive I was correct! Well I was wrong. We went into the gym parking lot and we didn't really know how to get out. It took way longer than it should have to actually arrive to the restaurant. Finally when we parked I put the ring on! It's beautiful and I love it to death! My 18th birthday is the most memorable that's for sure!! There will be pictures of the ring soon!!:)
Ah Happy birthday, great photos! Your mom looks 9 in that photo! lol
ReplyDeleteI love you Amanda! You are doing just fine. You will figure out what that special thing is that you want to do. Don't rush your life and take things as they come......but most of all, enjoy it. Create lots of fond memories. You will cherish them forever.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you are 18 years old. You will always be my baby. I love that photo of you and I. We need to take more of us together now. I am looking forward to many more 'girls nights'.
What a beautiful post Amanda! You truly are growing up as evidenced by the thoughtful words you just wrote. You were an adorable little girl and now a beautiful young woman. Life truly does go by in a blur sometimes, so my advice to you is to live each day to the fullest. Treasure each and every moment, always be kind and considerate to friends and strangers alike, and let God lead you along your life's path. Happy 18th!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Amanda. Is that really your Dad?
ReplyDeleteENJOY your younger years girl.....and happy happy birthday
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say what a beautiful post that was. You are an awesome "adult" I may not have known you when you were little but I have seen the changes in you in the last couple of years and they are all great! You are very lucky to have such an awesome family and now Jake in your life. Take care of them and the relationships. They last a lifetime. One of my favorite quotes of all time is from the singer John Melloncamp he says "hold on to 16 as long as you can... changes come around real soon make us women and men." I may have said it to you when you turned 16 (I remember when you had your 16th birthday!), but it is at the age of 18 that you really understand that quote. Sounds like you had a great birthday - good for you!
Tania Arand
Thanks Tania:)