Today we had to be boarding the bus by 7:45 because we had to drive back into Washington from our hotel. In the morning we went to the Arlington Cemetery.

The cemetery has the remains of about 175,000 American Soldiers and president Kennedy. The cemetery was beautiful. There were flowers in every direction you turned, the leaves were on the trees and the cemetery was kept very well. The one thing that surprised me so much, was that you could look for miles and miles and you would still see the headstones, there were that many people there.

*I took this picture when we first got into the cemetery.

* See what I mean, you can see headstones forever!

While we were walking around we ran into a ceremony that was going on for a solider that had just passed away. We walked up as it was ending but what I did end up seeing was really neat. Once we finished watching that we continued out walk we ran into this huge white building and inside were all of these rows or marble benches, it was so pretty.

I have a picture of Jake and I on this one huge chair but the person that took the picture still has to send it to me.

*me and Chloe on the one part of the building

*picture of the inside of the building

After we left there we came across this little bridge that I thought was really cute so I made Jake pose for a picture or two!

*This was the last stop at the cemetery. We stopped at Kennedy's grave. It was very unique, i the middle of the whole thing there was a fire. Beside him was his daughter and wifre. All around him were some of the rest of his family.

That afternoon we had time to go and look at some of the other Smithsonian Museums. The group that i was with wanted to go to the Natural History Museum. At first I thought it was going to be really dumb but when you when in there was a real elephant(that was stuffed & happens to be my favourite animal of all times)
Once we were in the Museum we went into the Oceans section. Inside there were all these preserved sea creatures. It was hard to take picture of some things because they were all in glass cases. So sorry if the picture don't turn out the greatest. Also I have only put up the smallest amount of what I actually took. After we looked at the ocean's creatures we traveled through the human body section(it was really boring so i didn't take any picture in that section because it was all bones and stuff) After that there was a section with all kinds of animals that have been stuffed and then brought to the museum

*I never really realized how large a giraffe actually was until Jake took a picture of me standing beside one. I am not tall at all but i'm the average height of a person and that giraffe is very fall compared to me.

*This was a picture of the octopus that I saw. In movies and stuff they always make them look so cute... and I don't think he is cute at all!

*The really neat part of the animal section was that they wern't just standing there stuffed they movied the animals into positions that made them look really real. For example; the fighting scene that the lions are having up above.

After the animal section we went to see the "hope" diamond(in picture below) and I found it really disappointing. Everyone made it seem like it was going to be some huge diamond but it wasn't as big and everyone said. The diamond section was really busy so we left there right after we took a picture of the "hope" diamond. After that there was a bug/reptile section. There were turtles, snakes, spiders, bees, ticks, beetles, etc.
One really cool part about his section was the bees that they had. They had a bunch of these bees making hoest and we all look at eachother and said where are the flowers? And then one of us noticed a tude that went from the nest to the outside an a bunch of bees were flying in and out of this tube with honey.
Most of the people we came into the museum with split up from us and our deal was that we would meet them at about two and then we would go to another museum. But about half of us were ready to just fall asleep or sit for the last two hours. But instead a bunch of us agreed to go and watched a 3D imax movie. I never was a fan for imax movies but I was willing to go and sit through one so that I didn't have to do anymore walking. The movie we went to go and see was called Wild Ocean 3D. We all thought that it was going to be about all different wildlife in the ocean but no it was about sardenes the whole time!! All of us at one point ended up falling alseep through the 45 minute movie. I was kind of bummed by the end because I paided $8.75 to have a nap.
I will hve another post on what happened on day 3 at night!
Nice pictures. That part of the US is a great place to visit.